A Capability Map for Data-Driven Growth
IMPAKT Afterwork Impuls (EN) im Techquartier Frankfurt (21.06.2017)
Key Note: Dr. Hans Eibe Sörensen
Many business leaders have great expectations of the monetization of data. However, reality shows that the path to data-driven profits is neither easy nor straightforward. Therefore, many expectations go unrealized. Over the past two years, Hans Eibe and Team have studied the capabilities that are necessary for realizing data-driven profits. In other words, they have investigated the capabilities firms need in order to transform Big Data into Big Business.
HANS EIBE SØRENSEN is one of the leading Business Development Experts in Europe. He is Biotech Entrepreneur, CFO and Board Member of Biotech and Hightech Startups. He is author of “Business Development: A market-oriented perspective” (2012), Wiley and combines science with real life in a modern and refreshing way as key note speaker. (http://eu.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-EHEP002540.html)